investing in real estate

4 Ways To Be Profitable Investing In Real Estate

4 Ways To Be Profitable Investing In Real Estate

4 Ways To Be Profitable Investing In Real Estate

Investing in real estate in the long term is profitable. Some investors focus on one factor only when deciding where & what to invest in. However, remember there are 4 ways to be profitable investing in real estate:

1. Cash Flow
2. Mortgage paydown
3. Appreciation
4. Tax benefits

Invest In Real Estate

Invest In Real Estate

Invest in real estate: Take control of your financial freedom. Buying an income property is one way to build long term wealth and have that rental income coming in on a monthly basis as a pension plan.

Can You Payoff $1 Million Mortgage In 10 Years?

Can You Payoff $1 Million Mortgage In 10 Years?

Can you payoff $1 million mortgage in 10 years? spoiler alert: yes you can!!

Did Toronto's Condo Rental Market in Q3 2019 Cool Down?

Did Toronto's Condo Rental Market in Q3 2019 Cool Down?

Did Toronto's Condo Rental Market in Q3 2019 Cool Down? Supply of condo investment rentals was up 35% but rent prices increased!