investment real estate

Selling Investment Property? 4 Things You Need To Know Before Putting The Rental Property For Sale

Selling Investment Property? 4 Things You Need To Know Before Putting The Rental Property For Sale

Are you thinking of selling your investment property? Stop, before you put the rental property up for sale, there are 4 things you need to know: 1. Capital gains tax: how much capital gains tax you will pay and can you minimize capital gains tax 2. Tenants: Accommodating tenants and working with them to sell 3. Documents: Preparing key documents upfront 4. Vacant Possession: There are 2 potential groups of buyers

Should I Buy A House Now Or Wait? What To Know Before Buying A House

Should I Buy A House Now Or Wait? What To Know Before Buying A House

Should I Buy A House Now Or Wait? What To Know Before Buying A House

Stressed About The Mortgage Stress Test?

Stressed About The Mortgage Stress Test?

Mortgage stress test | mortgage stress test 2021

5 Types of Real Estate Investment

5 Types of Real Estate Investment

5 Types of Real Estate Investment Strategies to Consider

Can You Payoff $1 Million Mortgage In 10 Years?

Can You Payoff $1 Million Mortgage In 10 Years?

Can you payoff $1 million mortgage in 10 years? spoiler alert: yes you can!!

Bank of Canada Made A Mistake Reacting To The Corona Virus

Bank of Canada Made A Mistake Reacting To The Corona Virus

Bank of Canada made a mistake reacting to Corona virus!!

What Happened to Toronto's Real Estate Market in February 2020?

What Happened to Toronto's Real Estate Market in February 2020?

What Happened to Toronto's Real Estate Market in February 2020?

Toronto’s real estate market was extremely hot, however I have concerns about the impact of Coronavirus

RESPs or Real Estate Investing?

RESPs or Real Estate Investing?

As a parent, investing in RESPs for my kids future is logical. As a retired engineer who loves math, I did an analysis for the case of investing in real estate vs RESPs....

Take a look and let me know what you think.

Did Toronto's Condo Rental Market in Q3 2019 Cool Down?

Did Toronto's Condo Rental Market in Q3 2019 Cool Down?

Did Toronto's Condo Rental Market in Q3 2019 Cool Down? Supply of condo investment rentals was up 35% but rent prices increased!